Positive Potions Heroine


Creating Positive Potions has been an amazing journey for so many reasons, but above all, it’s because of people like this: an utter Positive Potions heroine if ever there was one - a woman who I met over a Potion or two, who mentioned that she was just about to walk the South West Coastal Path - Britain’s longest way-marked footpath, and a National Trail.

Now I was aware this was something more than a stroll in the park, but I didn’t know a great deal more than that. So I happily gave her a couple of Potions and wished her well on her way, suggesting that if they helped - one of our hashtags is ‘popapotioninyourpocket’ after all! - then she might like to wing me a snap or two en route. Scroll forwards a couple of months and SIX HUNDRED AND THIRTY MILES LATER, to when I received the sweetest note imaginable: she had completed the walk, and found that Flow and Power were great helps to give her a bit of a boost as she undertook this really stupendous journey. 

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this, and find it more moving than this little journal note can say. We are so blushingly flattered that Positive Potions went with her and that she took the time to snap some lovely pics, and then to send them along. We are also so proud of the way that these powerful little botanicals, grown with such love and care in our beautiful yet once-derelict walled garden can make their power felt. Not with a lot of whizz bang marketing but just a woman, setting off with a Potion and bags of integrity and grit, and keeping going for 630 miles right around the southern tip of this beautiful island of ours. 

My hat is utterly off to her - and to the small-but-mighty super-powers of these incredible botanicals. Thank you thank you! You are amazing. 

(PS - I’m going to post more of her lovely pics on Insta, so take a look on there, too for more of her story.)

candida meyrick