Happy harvest


 So the blog posts might have been thin on the ground this season, but the botanicals certainly haven’t! After what has been the strangest Summer imaginable, we’re now reaping the harvest of a bumper growing season with probably the biggest stock of delicious botanicals we’ve ever had, all dried and packed away ready to be turned into scrummy, health-boosting Positive Potions…

Not knowing what the future held in the Spring, we took the ‘dig for victory’ line, and grew as much as possible here in the walled garden on Anglesey - because you never know, right? So for the last few months our drying room has been pumping out the most incredible scents - thyme, that super-botanical upper-respiratory helper which goes into our Flow Potion, one of my top favourites.

And with no happy distractions of all the usual shows and fairs, we’ve made our own fun and got stuck into some serious R & D... We’ve been trialling some new products over the Summer - our Immunitea tastes delicious and has been going down a treat. We also have an exciting new range of botanicals for the body shortly to go up on the site, so we’ve been as busy as the bees still going wild for all the gorgeous blooms still flowering in the garden.. More of all this soon..

Meanwhile - happy harvest!

candida meyrick